About the Charities
In line with the dual nature of Elspeth’s quest in The Obernewtyn Chronicles, proceeds from Unmasking the Wild will go to the following two charities: IBBY’s Children in Crisis fund, and Animals Asia’s Moon Bear Sanctuary in Chengdu.
I have asked representatives from both charities to introduce them and say a little about their work.
IBBY Children in Crisis Fund
Dr Robin Morrow AM
National President
IBBY Australia Inc
“IBBY believes that the cause of peace can be served by children having access to good books. The IBBY Children in Crisis Fund works to deliver books and skilled bibliotherapy to children in times of crisis and trauma. IBBY Australia works to support the Fund, for example we helped fund book delivery to children after the earthquake and tsunami on the east coast of Japan.
Three current projects of the Fund are:
1. Helping IBBY Lebanon bring relief to Syrian children caught up in the war who are now refugees in Lebanon,
2. Working on the US/Mexican border where thousands of children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have created an unprecedented humanitarian refugee crisis— the scheme means to deliver rucksacks with literacy materials.
3. Gaza Library project, rebuilding IBBY libraries damaged in conflict
If you would like to find out more aboutIBBY and the Children in Crisis Fund or make a donation online, you can do so by following this link: http://www.ibby.org/852.0.html?&L=2%2F%5C%5C
Animals Asia and their Bear Sanctuary in
by Anne Lloyd-Jones,
Australian Director of Animals Asia
“Founded in 1998, Animals Asia promotes compassion and respect for all animals and works to bring about long-term change.
“We work to end the barbaric bear bile trade, which sees over 10,000 bears kept on bile farms in China, and, according to official figures, about 1,200 suffering the same fate in Vietnam. Animals Asia has rescued over 570 bears, caring for them at our award-winning bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam.
“We also work to end the trade in dogs and cats for food in China and Vietnam, and lobby to improve the welfare of companion animals, promote humane population management and prevent the cross border export of “meat dogs” in Asia. In addition, Animals Asia campaigns for an end to abusive animal practices in zoos and safari parks in Asia and works closely with governing authorities to improve animal management and increase awareness of the welfare needs of captive animals.
“Funds raised from Unmasking the Wild will go towards the running of Animals Asia’s two bear rescue centres and provide the ursine residents with plenty of nutritious food, environmental enrichment to rebuild their wasted bodies and minds, and the very best veterinary care for the rest of their days.”
If you would like to find out more about Animals Asia or make a donation online, you can do so by following this link:
for the Animals Asia China Bear Sanctuary: http://www.animalsasia.org/au/our-work/end-bear-bile-farming/what-we-do/bear-sanctuaries/china-bear-sanctuary/china-bear-sanctuary.html